The Most Popular System for Simple Multi-Channel Compound Screening
The UP-100IH is a universal perfusion system adapted for basic Langendorff perfusion studies in rat, guinea pig, and juvenile rabbit heart. It has a small footprint and small system volume (<30 ml), making it ideal for multi-channel compound screening that requires the basic measured parameters such as simple left ventricular pressure (Isovolumetric LVP), coronary flow, ECG Lead II measurements. The modular system can be additionally equipped with ECG lead II measurement, pacing, direct or indirect flow measurement, temperature measurement, metabolic monitoring, drug application via syringe pump, cell isolation. The UP-100IH can also be adapted to perfuse other organs like kidney or liver by adding more equipment e.g. moist chamber.
To ensure that your system is properly configured as a complete setup that meets your experimental needs, please email us at or call us at 800-597-0580. In Europe, please call +49 7665 92000 or email Upgrades can also be modified to meet your specific needs.
Please view our comprehensive Isolated Heart Perfusion Systems Catalog!
Universal Perfusion System for Rodent Langendorff Heart Perfusion (UP-100IH)
The Most Popular System for Simple Multi-Channel Compound Screening
The UP-100IH is a universal perfusion system adapted for basic Langendorff perfusion studies in rat, guinea pig, and juvenile rabbit heart. It has a small footprint and small system volume (<30 ml), making it ideal for multi-channel compound screening that requires the basic measured parameters such as simple left ventricular pressure (Isovolumetric LVP), coronary flow, ECG Lead II measurements. The modular system can be additionally equipped with ECG lead II measurement, pacing, direct or indirect flow measurement, temperature measurement, metabolic monitoring, drug application via syringe pump, cell isolation. The UP-100IH can also be adapted to perfuse other organs like kidney or liver by adding more equipment e.g. moist chamber.
To ensure that your system is properly configured as a complete setup that meets your experimental needs, please email us at or call us at 800-597-0580. In Europe, please call +49 7665 92000 or email Upgrades can also be modified to meet your specific needs.
Please view our comprehensive Isolated Heart Perfusion Systems Catalog!