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Sample Prep

QuikPrep® is a novel line of sample preparation products designed for the purification of small samples as little as 1 µl in volume, including proteins, peptides, nucleic acids and other biomolecules.            

Sample preparation methods remove impurities such as detergents, salts or other contaminants which interfere with or are not compatible with downstream analysis. Some analytical methods may not allow direct identification of specific molecules due to high background signals from contaminating molecules in the sample, which can be removed by an appropriate sample preparation method. Additionally, some target materials must be enriched before they can be quantified or characterized, for example, by mass spectrometry (MS). Without sample preparation, analyses can be difficult or samples can become degraded or lost, resulting in inaccurate data.

QuikPrep products enable sample preparation, purification or enrichment of even very small samples with high reliability and recovery, providing opportunities for analysis not otherwise possible.

No single method of sample preparation is applicable to all samples. Sample preparation methods are selected based on the type of target material and the sample composition. That is why Harvard Apparatus offers a broad range of QuikPrep sample preparation solutions. In addition to the information on our website, please download our catalog for helpful application and technology selection guides to assist you in selecting the best sample preparation method for your sample and application.

Download our new catalog!