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IH-5 Core System Options

Price on Request

Additions to the IH-5 Core System for species-specific Langendorff Only or Langendorff Working Heart-Ready configurations.

Options must be selected for a functional unit.

To ensure that your system is properly configured as a complete setup that meets your experimental needs, please email us at or call us at 800-597-0580.  In Europe, please call +49 7665 92000 or email Upgrades can also be modified to meet your specific needs.

Grouped product items
Item No. Description Qty
73-2806 PLUGSYS Servo Controller for Perfusion (SCP) Please login to add to Quote
73-4435 Perfusion Pressure Control with Starling Resistor for IH-5 Please login to add to Quote
73-4399 Additions to the IH-5 Core System for Rat/Guinea Pig Hearts Please login to add to Quote
73-4400 Additions to the IH-5 Core System for Rabbit Hearts Please login to add to Quote
73-4402 Heart Chamber for IH-5 Core System for Electrophysiology Please login to add to Quote

Additions to the IH-5 Core System for species-specific Langendorff Only or Langendorff Working Heart-Ready functional units

An IH-5 Langendorff functional unit requires the addition of core options to the selected core system (either 73-4397 or 73-4398). Specifically, the core system requires the addition of:

The core option and species-specific addition selected depend on:

  • If you want a Langendorff Only configuration or a Working Heart-Ready Langendorff configuration. 
    • The Langendorff Only configuration can easily be modified to a Langendorff Working Heart-Ready configuration in the future.
    • Researchers who know they will be upgrading to working ejecting heart in the future often start with the Langendorff Working Heart-Ready configuration. 
  • The species to be studied, i.e., rat, guinea pig or rabbit

Core System Options

 Langendorff Only Configuration
 (Add these core options to 73-4397 or 73-4398)
 Langendorff Working Heart-Ready Configuration*
(Add these core options to 73-4397 or 73-4398)
Species Specific Addition (choose one or both)
• Rat/Guinea Pig Hearts (73-4399)
• Rabbit Hearts (73-4400)
Species Specific Addition (choose one or both)
• Rat/Guinea Pig Hearts (73-4399)
• Rabbit Hearts (73-4400)
SCP PLUGSYS Servo Controller Module (73-2806) for constant pressure perfusion and flow control Starling Resistor for IH-5 (73-4435) for perfusion pressure control in Langendorff mode or afterload control in working heart mode
Heart Chamber (choose one)
• 73-4401 for Cardiovascular Studies
• 73-4402 for Electrophysiology Studies**
Heart Chamber (choose one)
• 73-4401 for Cardiovascular Studies
• 73-4402 for Electrophysiology Studies**

*Coronary flow measurement in this case is only possible by using an ultrasonic transit time TTFM-2 flowmeter with flow probe.

**Choose this option if you intend to use the multi-ECG ring and/or circularMAP ring, as it requires a larger heart chamber.

Perfusion Pressure Controllers

PLUGSYS Servo Controller for Perfusion (SCPP Module (73-2806)

The SCP constant pressure/flow controller maintains perfusion either at constant pressure or at constant flow using a peristaltic pump. The SCP controller modulates the flow generated by the perfusion pump based ona perfusion pressure feedback loop. The controller also provides an accurate, low-cost way to indirectly measure coronary flow. It provides accurate control of perfusion flow rate or pressure, even at very low flow rates. The SCP calculates flow rate from pump speed,eliminating the need for an expensive flowmeter. It is required for Langendorff Only configurations.

  • Allows operation in constant pressure or constant flow with simple switch
  • Provides accurate control of perfusion pressure or flow, even at very low flow rates
  • Flexible perfusion circuit setup adjustes to suit individual perfusion conditions

Additional measured signals/calculated parameters:

  • Indirect coronary flow measurement
  • Calculation of coronary resistance

STARLING-IH5 Perfusion Pressure Controller with Starling Resistor (73-4345)

The perfusion pressure controller with Starling resistor provides constantpressure perfusion of the heart in Langendorff mode and acts as an afterloadsystem in the working heart mode. It uses a Teflon membrane flow resistor,manometer and pressure syringe to create a pressure-controlled valve in theaortic block. It is required for a Langendorff Working Heart-Ready configuration.If coronary flow measurement is required, the use of the PLUGSYS ultrasonic transittime flow measurement module (TTFM-2) and flow probe will be required, as the SCPcontroller cannot make that measurement.

  • Uses Teflon membrane flow resistor, manometer and pressure syringe to create a pressure-controlled valve in the aortic block.
  • Mechanical device that does not provide flow information and does not alter the pump flow rate.
    • Flow rate is set high on the pump and only the flow that generates the set perfusion pressure is delivered to the heart while the remainder exits via the valve and returns to the reservoir.
  • Must choose direct coronary flow measurement to capture coronary flow data.

Additional measured signal/calculated parameters:

  • Coronary flow data (add species-specific Flow Measurement Option)


  • Aortic block base unit with flange-mounted adjustable flow resistance
  • Pressure syringe with mounting bracket
  • Manometer

Species Specific Options

Additions to IH-5 Core System
for Rat and Guinea Pig Hearts (73-4399) includes:
Additions to IH-5 Core System
for Rabbit Hearts (73-4400) includes:
73-3072 Aortic Cannula for Rat/Guinea Pig Hearts to IH-5, set of 2, OD 3.0 and 2.5 mm 73-0719 Aortic Cannula for Rabbit Hearts to IH-5, OD 2.3 mm, set of 3, OD 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 mm
73-1860 2-Stop Tygon® E-LabTubing, 2.06 mm ID, 12/pack, Purple/Purple 73-1863 2-Stop Tygon® E-Lab Tubing,2.79 mm ID, 12/pack, Purple/White
73-3456 Tubing Set for Jacketed Buffer Reservoir with Fluid Line Shutoff Valves 73-3456 Tubing Set for Jacketed Buffer Reservoir with Fluid Line Shutoff Valves
73-3441 Reservoir Jacketed for Buller Solution, with Frit and Bottom Drain, 2 L 73-0322 Reservoir Jacketed for Buffer Solution, with Frit, 6 L
73-4463 Balloon Kit for Rat/Guinea Pig Hearts to IH-5 Core System, includes 10 balloons, size 5 (0.1 ml volume), spindle set and holder 73-0323 Balloon Kit for Rabbit Hearts for IH-5, includes 5 balloons, size 12 (1.3 ml volume), 5 balloons, size 13 (1.6 ml volume), spindle set and holder