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PLUGSYS Timer Counter Module (TCM)

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Designed to operate in conjunction with the PLUGSYS Ventilation Control Module (VCM) used in all HSE-HA isolated lung apparatus from mice to rabbits.

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73-1750 Timer Counter Module (TCM) Please login to add to Quote

The Timer Counter Module (TCM) was designed to operate in conjunction with the Ventilation Control Module (VCM) used in all HSE-HA isolated lung apparatus from mice to rabbits.

As a timer or event counter module it generates a signal which triggers the VCM to perform a deep inspiration cycle (sigh breath). In order to prevent the slow collapse of the isolated lung during quiet respiration, a deep inspiration should be produced every 5 to 20 minutes. This results in an appreciable extension of the lifetime of the preparation. The VCM, therefore, has a facility for triggering such a deep inspiration by pressing the ‘DIRECT’ key or at the regular intervals from the Timer Counter Module. Other PLUGSYS modules are also capable of responding to this output signal.

Input and Output Trigger Signals Connections made via jumpers to trigger lines of 96-pin VG connector from internal PLUGSYS system bus
Time Mode Deep inspiration is produced at predetermined time intervals. Quartz-controlled timer inside TCM runs down from set time to ‘00’ and then resets counter back to selected value; when ‘00’ is reached, VCM is triggered to perform deep inspiration cycle.
Count Mode Time or event presetting is selected on two digit thumbwheel switch (00-99) mounted on front panel; time or count range can be altered with switch SEC/MIN or x1/x10 to select appropriate factor
Preset Time or event presetting is selected on two digit thumbwheel switch (00-99) mounted on front panel; time or count range can be altered with switch SEC/MIN or x1/x10 to select appropriate factor  
Warming Function TCM incorporates warning function which announces next triggering operation; announcement activated when internal timer or counter counts last 10 seconds or respiratory cycles; function is indicated visually on LED and audibly by built-in loudspeaker. Purpose of facility is to remind user that deep inspiration is coming shortly. This can be inhibited by pressing ‘SKIP NEXT’ key, if desired to avoid interference with any measurement during experiment
PLUGSYS Width 1 slot unit