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Multi-Lead ECG and MAP Measurement Options for IH-5 Langendorff or Working Heart

Price on Request

For multi-lead ECG and MAP measurements on functional IH-5 Langendorff or working heart systems, up to 12 ECG leads are combined with up to 8 MAP electrodes.

The Monophasic Action Potential (MAP) electrodes work based on the principle of Franz et al whereby firm, stable contact of the MAP electrode results in a high-quality MAP. MAP recording has been utilized in cardiac physiology for decades as it allows regional assessment of the electrophysiological state of the intact heart.

Input boxes with circular MAP holders are available for various configurations.

For other options available for the IH-5 system, please see Single-Lead ECG and MAP Measurement Options for IH-SR or IH-5 Langendorff or Working Heart.

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For multi-lead ECG and MAP measurements on functional IH-5 Langendorff or Working Heart systems, up to 12 ECG leads are combined with up to 8 MAP electrodes for measurement on rat, guinea pig or rabbit hearts.

The Monophasic Action Potential (MAP) electrodes work based on the principle of Franz et al whereby firm, stable contact of the MAP electrode results in a high-quality MAP. For electrophysiology studies, up to 12 ECG leads can be combined with up to 8 MAPS on a functional IH-5 system. These options are particularly suited for safety pharmacology laboratories.


MAP recording is essential to researchers who study:

  • Cardiac mapping
  • Dispersion of ventricular repolarization
  • Arrhythmias characterization of regional ischemias using MAP,
  • Activation time and similar applications.


You can make up to 12 ECG measurements alone or up to 12 ECG combined with up to 8 MAP measurements on a functional IH-5 system. Simply choose a combination of the following ECG and MAP options that suit your application. Measurements of 6 to 8 MAP, with or without ECG, require an Input Box.

Option Measurement Included Items
73-4405 6-Lead ECG
(6 Einthoven-Goldberger)
6-Lead ECG Electrode Insert (73-3636)
PLUGSYS Einthoven Goldberger (EGM) Module (73-1778)
6-fold Output Module for EGM, WLA, or MAPM (73-3827)
Input Box for up to 12 ECG ChannekL (73-1789)
Requires 6 available data acquisition input channels.
73-4406 12-Lead ECG
(6 Einthoven-Goldberger
and 6 Wilson)
12-Lead ECG Electrode Insert (73-0550)
PLUGSYS Einthoven Goldberger (EGM) Module (73-1778)
PLUGSYS Wilson Lead Amplifier (WLA) Module (73-1779)
Two 6-fold Output Modules for EGM, WLA, or MAPM (73-3827)
Requires 12 available data acquisition input channels.
73-4407 Multi-MAP
for 6 MAP
Six MAP Electrodes, J-form (73-0409)
PLUGSYS Monophasic Action Potential (MAPM, 6-channel) Module (73-1780)
Circular Holder for 8 MAP Electrodes (73-0551)*
Requires 6 available data acquisition channels and an input box.
73-4408 Multi-MAP
for 3 MAP
Three MAP Electrodes, J-form (73-0409)
PLUGSYS Monophasic Action Potential (MAPM, 3-channel) Module (73-3080)
6-fold Output Module for EGM, WLA, or MAPM (73-3827)
Requires 3 available data acquisition channels and an input box.

* The circular holder holds up to 8 MAP electrodes and fits only to the IH-5 system. The J-form MAP electrodes are installed on the circular holder.