CMA 120 System for Freely Moving Animals
The CMA 120 System for Freely Moving Animals enables microdialysis studies on conscious, small laboratory animals over long periods of time.
- Balance arm with dual channel swivel
- Secures tubing away from the animal and prevents twisting
The CMA 120 System for Freely Moving Animals enables microdialysis studies on conscious, small laboratory animals over long periods of time.
CMA 120 System for Freely Moving Animals includes:
- CMA 120 plastic bowl
- CMA 120 swivel assembly
- CMA 120 balance arm
- Plastic collar (100 pcs)
- Tubing adapters (10 pcs)
- FEP tubing (1 m)
- Vial, plastic 300 μl (25 pcs)
- Caps, plastic (25 pcs)
The CMA 120 instrument can be used in combination with any one of the microdialysis systems. The microdialysis probe is attached to a CMA Syringe Pump, the CMA 110 Liquid Switch, and to any of the CMA 142 or CMA 470 collection devices via a dual channel swivel.
The swivel is mounted on the balancing arm allowing free movement of the animal. The swivel brace holds a wire with a collar connector and two holders for 300 µl plastic vials.
The wire attached to the animal collar turns the swivel and supports the tubing. Manual fraction collection is used when two microdialysis probes are implanted, or when microdialysis is combined with local injection via one channel of the swivel.
The CMA 120 Bowl with Food and Water Containers is used in studies where a freely moving animal will be contained for longer periods of time. The additions of these containers allow the animal to feed and drink ad libitum. The food container and water bottle are arranged on the outside of the bowl so as not to disturb the movement of the tethered animal when inside the bowl.
Both containers are easily removed for cleaning and refilling.
Keeler GD, Durdik JM, Stenken JA. (2015 ) Effects of delayed delivery of dexamethasone-21-phosphate via subcutaneous microdialysis implants on macrophage activation in rats. Acta Biomater.
Yau JL, Noble J, Kenyon CJ, Ludwig M, Seckl JR. (2015 ) Diurnal and stress-induced intra-hippocampal corticosterone rise attenuated in 11β-HSD1-deficient mice: a microdialysis study in young and aged mice. Eur J Neurosci.
Fangfang Wanga, Shijuan Zhanga*, Cuncun Shenga, Xian’en Zhaoa & Jinmao Youab* (2015 ) Sensitive Determination of Amantadine in Microdialysis Samples from Rat Plasma by HPLC with Fluorescence Detection Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies